Sunday, September 18, 2022

wokie woo woke EU to trickle down discipline mealtreatmint


19/9 ----- 7seed ---k124 --- 28-lunar

Ry mirrors SR w MB on rumble and Odysee ... i ask chatters / rumblers:
would ya go memebytefyte on the front under dzjenderal Keffals? She/He tries to bring down 'baddies' [she has her eyes on the wayback machine to, according to a riveting 'double daddy show' !!and#!AND#!#!]? ?? #? #?? #???
Ry took this down .. i carry on regardless:
... don't miss it if you're curious about worsties [inside {pun intended} poopspoil alert, don't complain i didn't warnya]. i can't help but be suspect about the reasons why these fake daddies gravitate towards the most extremely outlandish offshorish underhandy overtoppie flippieshit possible and sadly reality, which as Robert E Grant said, is all a matter of perspective, in his recent chat w femracecardriver who used a quaint phrase: '..broke me open'. Could it be that they are not talented and/or willing enough to find the edge of volition, let alone sit by it and ponder for a while, not even if it held in front of their face .. and clear signal audible (such is my sad experience, good things can 'provoke' deadly jealousy, ... there ARE times hiding a tree in seed is best, just sayin ....

to Medhurst:
putin's order troops commanded int. rainbow family to leave back in the noughties and refused to dialogue .. said nothing other than reiterated the command a few hours on the hour, .. then they destroyed the 'seedcamp' ... speaking of which ... Putin is half cucked, cause he isn't as antivax as he is anti gmo ... and where's the biolab info George Webb has asked him for publically, repeatedly. Ask Scott about all that next time Richard, please. And Thanx.

Piety Piet duh Pious Poet
Piety Piet duh Pious Poet
0 seconds ago
ps [i hasten to add]: Putin is good to indigenous hippies tho, he signed a landgrant into law in 2015[?] for the purist pioneers amongst them, known as 'vedics' and familiensiedler in german ... kinda inspired by a Ruski version of Tolkien funny enuff

i'll do a little speculation of my own: Biden has struck a deal with 'LNG' [frackin affrontery gas, bottombarrelblaze biocidality] producers, which can be seen as mere adjunktz ['asscysteurz] to the farmaphiyacs, like war can too btw.
 His 'cap' betrays a campaign promise [feigned with ostentatious first 'rezony precIDinshul' 'public' land ban act] and does the opposite, revive them, Germany all abuzz and abuild [Stade, .. Wilhelmshaven.. Brunsbüttel ... Lubmin).

Putin should :::[at least try find a subtler way than displaying ability to meet out justice; something the west no longer understands, Rabo bank is 'shocked' since 2020, not since 2014, just sayin]::: undercut that and can do so as easily as Trump's pull back hold back tactics .. without feeling the need to be, like Trump, hypocritical about it [proper burial of the 'mperative' 'made in america' memery is in order methinks ... back to the black walnuts, red races and sacred counts, floodplain mound cultures, gift societies and vision spirits, .. to take the land back from washed up drunken bums w nerdie teccies bred via toxins].
A center stage [main fire] in one's power placement is very scalable [but Trump's jan6 version suffered bad direction and dropD dissonance .. he ain't got even a sly test notion of what powDer placement entails in the way of shade ||::|| sediment cycles ... that grow up fall off tide knowledge got urbanified out of him [or out of his dad?] and devolved to fall out and relief of all too precipitous and unpleasantly suprising magnitudes ... to erection |:| dustification}}} .. i did hundreds and hundreds of pages worth of notes on the subject, spiked with tie-in links to points and joints in time thruout the aeons, to content and repres[!sID!]entations way less and way more cryptic both .. but not often at once]. Short version of above: Shade dispensing shadow redeemers do not equal tower-away-blasters

One has to have dug all the way thru dustiest of dusttimes n tomes enuff to make it that act less tough to follow, and remember, minds eye first, not ladies and all dem cuckycookikeroids. Start thinking of time as rock, that'll make your journey more glitchless.

defense pretense:
i am still not over the fact Babbit got killed by a shot that aimed parallel to the not to be crossed line.

that reminds me why i got out of bed in the first place: i wanted to jot down trickle down discipline
the delayed effect of sanctions backfiring.
How DO you organize protests for efficiency anyway??

i know one thing: can't do it won't do it without rocks and ways to spin'm into each other, drill, pierce, mount wings, set up in a breeze ... and don't until you you either water or 'veil' where the rub is. Decency first .. cause old lady votes count as well don't you know.

i won't be happy til Putin kills frackgas corpocracy as conscientiously as he seems to be about gmos, roll up biolabs and soon, hopefully, distance himself from wokie vaxology. i should ask George Webb to wax eloquent about the flavor diffs perhaps.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Red Kahina Explains the Siege
Red Kahina Explains the Siege
Sep 6, 2022
Jacob Levich
8 subscribers
A talk that accounts for the not-so-new normal conditions in the class war.