Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Hidden King Part Four - Decoding History

i critique RyDawson 'UncleTed' toutage

part of an interview, another Ted rant and superchats
a quick rewrite of what i penned in 1997
Uncle Ted was a diagnose / cure schizotypalite of kwikfiksity.
the down and dirty democratic values [v for vless, d for dless, etc] needs careful tactic layer-k-king bayking.
Confusing micro localized application with generalizable validity is a distro error, stuck in the shticky sociographic elbow kneejerk immediacy that hasn't the leisure, wit and/or knack to leave the body, up nor down. A leftie's aim, highest ethics has apps all along a ladder from compost at the bottom to lawfare at the top, easy ways back to which dey have long since had amputated from them. Concentration [on threshold criticality] is key, as the covid plandemic shows us once again.

UN indigene protecting task forces peopled by voluntary relocalites [keep the drifter and grifter alertlites on please] slowly migrate more and more post production stop remaining arms to form protective rings around most exemplaric regions, spiked with media which prove them so, the evidence of which gets remixed in urban thinktanks for recruitment [a crude word for enthusiasmation] via better strats to tackle and regreen ever more marginal / 'hostile' regions [void{ed} of bioactivity].

the beginnings have grown up without the institutional and corporate sponsorship cause the latter were just and simply not bankrupt enough yet. Now they are. Wwoofers, permies, communitarians ... 'waarnemers' [observers] ... have amazing infrastructure already. If all the tired uninspired celebs got out of the way from the soon to be plandemic defund everything, real moneymakery, soil water and sun, body, soul and spirit in unison, comes within view and purview.

vids w my blogspotted comments 2

The Hidden King Part Four - Decoding History
Wartime Farm Part 2 of 8
•Jan 10, 2013
23.2K subscribers
The team tackle the conditions faced by British farmers in 1940, when the full impact of rationing took hold and which also saw Britain face the onslaught of Nazi bombing in the Blitz. Ruth finds out how about the impact rationing had in the kitchen as food became strictly limited - and also explores the temptations of the black market.
Alex and Peter are confronted with vastly reduced supplies of feed for the animals, so attempt a method encouraged by the government: making "silage". This involves not only finding alternatives sources of feed to store for winter, but also creating a container to store them in. And for this they find out how the Women's Land Army could be of help. Along they way, they also discover how racial prejudice reared its ugly head during Land Girl recruitment - only to be overcome by the actions of a local farmer.
that first minute is pure evil. Hitler was a Rothchild agent tasked with godfathering israel and move loads of yids ashkies and suffarts across the pond while sacrificing as many whities as possible, meanwhile their masquerade has engulfed china and will get closer to the thanatopian cullmin[ERA LIZ]ation .. [real iz hates rocks, especially rollable ones]. Read some Greg Hallett.