Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Et Trump livra Israël

Qui l'eut cru ?
Même ceux  qui y croyaient ont aujourd'hui du mal à le croire...
Qu'un Donald Trump sera pour Israël, le traître qui réussira à se faire passer pour le Grand Prêtre.
Que loin de délivrer les juifs de l'angoisse, il les livrera au caprice des temps voraces.

Trump reconnaîtra Jérusalem comme capitale du petit Israël pour ôter définitivement à ses habitants toute chance de rêver du Grand Israël...

Celui que l'on prenait pour l'ami d'Israël s'avèrera avec le temps peut-être le pire ennemi d'Israël, celui qui aurait tout fait pour nous montrer que les juifs ne voient pas plus loin que le bout de leur nez... Qu'ils sont naïfs ou pas assez malins pour soupçonner tout le mal que peut faire un coup de canif...américain.

Avec Donald Trump, c'est tout le mythe d'Israël qui est mis à mal, ce qui est de nature à faire du bien à tous les nouveaux antisionistes, à tous les anciens antisémites.
Qu'a-t-il donc fait pour défaire le lien entre le temporel et l'éternel dans le projet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  d'Israël ?
1- Il n'a pas bougé le petit doigt pour en découdre avec la Syrie, qui joue un double jeu même avec Dieu.
Il a même contribué indirectement à renforcer dans la région son hégémonie.
Après avoir soit disant, vaincu l'ogre islamiste qu'il a lui-même implanté, il a retiré son épingle du jeu en rappelant ses soldats qui n'avaient plus rien à faire là-bas...

2- Il n'a pas réagi aux dérives ni à la démarche réactive du vieil ami turque qui s'est débarrassé des Kurdes en toute impunité et s'apprête à ouvrir entre l'Occident et l'Orient un boulevard pour les Frères musulmans.

3- Enfin après avoir prétendu battre en retraite, il a fichu la paix à l'Iran et aux Iraniens qui ont, il n'y a pas encore longtemps promis la fin de l'État Israélien.

Je n'ai pas assez d'humour pour dire que Trump, qui n'a quasiment jamais prononcé le mot de Palestine, n'a rien fait d'autre qu'œuvrer pour les palestiniens en livrant leur ennemi à ses pires ennemis.

We Three Chinks

only joyce can arm you against alcohol and point out the one star that's actually an end to tunneling .... never had too much sympathy for Volum Votan's use of that verb .... but i'll give it a shot while it's hot: DrRandomericant find tibet i guess .. wasn't big enough for him?? ... or is that a transcript glitch my ear synced to???? or is that the 'seventh' [siebende sieben ... 'zeg ken jij' de mosselman .. de mosselman ... aborting cultures on their way to sieving sieves ... always a sandman's job (under possession of some shade[loss triggered shamelessnosjnisj] of compensated for yellow or other hatemade ache make shade) to kill real compensation but ho tsj55 min can't mind me minding carbon on grounds of globalarity .. ho pzju  don't mine/ me .. min min ground undermound as tsjyakka ijayxks chiseled a chinese tunnel to chemurge duh nooooo to E-merge from a handcathedralien Damanhurian softie souvenir failfledged .... hope youwohnt mind/e d my carb[ ]on you ... you ... miscrin sjowme re ant mis cre ant

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Indigenous Environmental Defenders Fighting for Climate, Life & Human Ri...

perfectly clean energy generation with simple materials is possible .. so easy to copy and hide if need be, that patents are useless. My worry is over the nevertheless and even all the greater danger of unethical use. How can we prevent that and enforce putting this principle to ethical use????? any thoughts?


Sunday, December 08, 2019

Im Süden Schwedens werden Bombenattacken zum Alltag | Fokus Europa

was fuer ein wunder ???? wen wundert's dass die vielen verwundeten ... dass ueberal da wo das juedisch / zionisten bolsh / hollywood / hasbara / israeli / lubavitch / chabad und PC Cyuk maerchen ueber nationen, kkkristen, deren gruende u boeden hinweg taueschend eingetrichtert, angekommen und niedergeschlagen ist, ein an schlimmheitsgrad gemessen genau und praezises 'negativ' dieses Glaubens zu Tage tret???? Alles versetzt u zerschnippselt zwar aber gut erkennbar. Wie kann dass nur dennoch sein. Die bombardierungen sind, anders als in den Weltkriegen, auf langzeit ausgerichtet, regelmass u routine ... kein wettlauf mehr ... die sache ist gelaufen und laeuft auf ... verlaessliche teufeltec dividenden. Ein geruecht als schlimmste waffe.

ICI Berlin hoch intello burg
 Laurence Rickels: Critique of Fantasy. Between a Crypt and a Date Mark .. .er arbeitet schon 10 jahre daran .....

'unbecoming americans' .... unbecoming american
atlanticist anglo deeeep into enemy territory
 ... egad ... it's like ... it's like russian in/on/round duh Krim
jokes aside, the real reason is the utter utter uter anthropocentrizzum of this man's fixation ... a bomb shot from a cannon ... slings and arrows indeed ... alan green and the whole templar can you dig it hide and seek paragon / goalpost moving company profitability ...
it's an affront to cultures that had at one point developed 'song of amergin' type inspirations into routine practice and basis for nationhood ... which i defined yesterday as follows:
nobody ever said THE NAZI TOP WAS ZIONIST FROM GETGO as far as i know but i think that's an hypothesis worth testing .. some day .... once a more stalwart flavor of 'honesty in history' stops being suppressed, denigrated, humiliated, hindered, defunded, prosecuted, sentenced .......

A rift between people and their leaders??? oh no ... who knew??????? Evo Morales lifted out of his function by an aggro minority with ties to international greedocrat??????
What is a nation???????? The set of institution that can cohere, coordinate and cooperate enough to provide full immunity against outside capital.

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Laurence Rickels: Critique of Fantasy. Between a Crypt and a Date Mark

if an mp3 rather than a vimeo is your thing, somebody - - did one (expires today prolly, good luck)
i seem to have snagged this on it's last day of existence (30d lifespans for all sorts of formats turned into mp3) here:
i'll be sure to try it in the future ...

Laurence Rickels: Critique of Fantasy. Between a Crypt and a Date Mark - 24 views from Oct 29 - ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry
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With George Lucas’s Star Wars, we entered the Heimat of blockbusters, which lies in the borderlands of the fantasy and science fiction genres folding out of and staggering a contest that J. R. R. Tolkien inaugurated in the 1930s around his introduction of a new or renewed genre. The critique addresses the genre or style as well as the faculty, the wayward kin of the imagination, which philosophy and psychoanalysis applied to ethics and poetics, respectively.

Science fiction failed to predict the digital relation, but fantasy did not so much succeed in its anticipations as draw benefit from the basic resemblance of fantasying to the new relation’s special effects. If the fantasy that is true is no longer the Gospel (which was Tolkien’s grounding definition) but instead digitization, then fantasy indeed verges on the dread prospect that modern philosophical ethics ever sought to contain: the deregulation of wish or will. According to Freud in ‘The Poet and Fantasying‘, the constitutive fantasy arc in every daydream, which takes off from an idealized past and jump cuts to the future of wish fulfillment and circumvents the present, is a bridge that will fall down. Its defective cornerstone is the Zeitmarke or date mark that indelibly stamps the present moment that triggered the fantasying that denies it. By its date mark, a fantasy is historicization waiting to happen, the mortal recoil of its flight.

Walter Benjamin’s derivation of modern allegory from the shortfall of Christianity’s purchase on the future can be seen to apply to the failure of science fiction’s predictive service, which commits the genre to read in the ruins of its forecasts. By its right or wrong extrapolations science fiction indwells the present between a crypt and a date mark, the span of allegorical legibility it visits upon fantasy’s once and future realm. In this presentation, I will focus on the instance of crypt transmission across the borderlands of fantasy and science fiction binding The Tempest to The Picture of Dorian Gray.
After thirty years teaching at the University of California, in 2011 Laurence A. Rickels accepted the professorship in art and theory at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe. He taught there as successor to Klaus Theweleit until 2017. During spring semester 2018 Rickels was the Eberhard Berent Visiting Professor and Distinguished Writer at New York University. He continues to offer seminars in media and philosophy at the European Graduate School (Saas Fee, Switzerland and Malta) where he holds the Sigmund Freud Chair. Rickels is the author of Aberrations of Mourning (1988), The Case of California (1991), Nazi Psychoanalysis (2002), The Vampire Lectures (1999), The Devil Notebooks (2008), Ulrike Ottinger. The Autobiography of Art Cinema (2008), I Think I Am. Philip K. Dick (2010), SPECTRE (2013), Germany. A Science Fiction (2014), and The Psycho Records (2016).

Organized by
Wilhelm Brüggen (BIPP), Monika Englisch, and Andreas Gehrlach (HU Berlin); a cooperation of the BIPP, the Department of Cultural History and Theory of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and the ICI Berlin