Wednesday, January 06, 2021

some rare fictitious capital critics|experts -Hudson|Escobar

at an hour and a half the empty cities come up. Turns out they are part of a scam [i won't dignify it with the word 'deal' like Hudson does] to get rurals to citify. Were they told their 3 piece property switcheroo would land them with ownership of apartments in empty cities? Quite apart from the fact that citification is the insectation / satanation way to NOT go. Escobar too defends that madness with waffle about futuristic Belt&Road prosperity. I'd urge him to get up to George Webb speed on that score.
How do these nerds rate a tree nursery i wonder? 'Fictitious biophilia'?


A Hard Look at Rent and Rent Seeking with Michael Hudson & Pepe Escobar
•Dec 17, 2020
Henry George School of Social Science
7.61K subscribers
An interactive discussion on wealth inequality and the “Great Game” on the control of natural resources.

In this webinar organized jointly by the Henry George School and the International Union for Land Value Taxation, Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar will unpack one of the most destructive features of our economic system and the many different ways it drives wealth inequality.

They will also focus on China – US relations and their understanding of the “Great Game” regarding control of the world’s resources.

For more Seminars visit:


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