Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Mimi - SyrianGP w RSpencer vid and transcript

to illustrate what Mike says, consider a vid that will show blank in my WLadur list which proceeds to the next vid after a few seconds ... the bare url will require a 'proceed' click and is amputated. But it IS the kind of video  es jay double jews cannot 'natsee' (that wonderful onesided coin, the inside of selfimprison walls ... yadayada):


hey everybody welcome to episode 9 of
the expensive group on your host Craig
Ainsley and I'll do some some
housekeeping here at the top of the hour
so if you'd like to donate
you'll be logging in through stream labs
and you'll log in using your YouTube
account at the top right corner thank
you to everybody who has donated thank
you especially again I'm obliged to
thank them every week
Kaiser Korea's for making this happen
essentially is definitely the most
valuable player
really great episode this week we have
Syrian girl on with us who is a very
very well-known youtuber and social
media commentator she goes by partisan
girl on Twitter on YouTube she is Syrian
girl partisan she's a Syrian Patriot
she's a Sunni Muslim from Damascus and
she has a very always a very ruthless
and honest take on the very depressing
Affairs that continue to unfold in the
Middle East her her Wikipedia bio I'm
not gonna I'm not gonna quote from it
too much but it's it's so hilarious so
hilariously awful that that I had to
look at some of it
she's a contributor to the conspiracy
theory and fake news website Infowars
she's appeared on podcast hosted by the
former head of the Ku Klux Klan David
Duke Mimi how could you
oh but also welcome and thank you for
joining us thank you yeah sure thanks
thanks for coming and of course every
week we're joined by by Richard Spencer
Richard how are you doing I am doing
well I was just able to get to this live
stream at the last minute to do
parenting duties but I am here ready to
great well you know kind of show notes
or an agenda for this week was was
pretty easy because you know we're
fortunate to have to have Mimi to have a
partisan girl Syrian
on and so I think we want to talk about
things that arise from her focused in
her er areas of expertise so you know
she obviously knows what those are
what those are but Mimi why don't you
why don't you just kind of introduce
yourself and you know talk a little bit
about your backgrounds and your outlook
and what you think that people who may
not have heard of you or seen your work
before what what they should know about
you well thanks guys for having me on
I'm always open to talking whoever asks
me and sometimes it's someone as bad as
the mainstream media but nobody
complains when I accept introduce from
them so basically I'm from Syria I was
born in Damascus I come from a Sunni
family although you could say that were
you know very very liberal it's a new
family in the religious sense I believe
in individual right of religion that's a
personal thing and I so in the Arab
Spring not only a basically an attempt
by the Zionists powers and hegemony to
overthrow governments that oppose Israel
but also governments that are secular in
order to install these Sharia law type
Pro Saudi Arabia regimes and so I came
out against the Arab Spring and that's
how I became public however before that
I was an activist in day to day life
anonymously basically not on the
internet opposing the Iraq war and a
bunch of other wars so that's my short
story but so let's let's delve into this
cuz I I think I think it might be good
to get the big picture first a little
bit but so did you witness the Arab
Spring or or had you already
after the region of course my family
emigrated to Australia when I was seven
years old so it was alone or the war
began but I was in Syria like living
there with my family briefly a little
left in 2010 and then in 2011 the
problems begun right and what I you said
something that's fascinating and that I
think is also counterintuitive at least
to at least to the mainstream audiences
and and that is this move towards
hyper-religious lunatics basically in
charge of governments as opposed to more
secular liberals and you could put Assad
in that category as a kind of Western
leaning leader of Syria without question
and you know the way that I've grown up
on this stuff and I certainly opposed
the Iraq war as well that actually I
think the Iraq war might have led me to
where I am today
in the sense of my opposition to
mainstream conservatism and my my that
need that internal need to do something
and to say something but you know in in
in that period what we were told is that
the United States and Israel it's great
ally they're they're trying to bring
liberalism to these backwater primitive
tribes and soon we're gonna help all
women go to college and they'll be
voting and democratically in no time and
and when some people on the right would
criticize that and basically say well
this is never gonna work this kind of
thing only works in Europe in America
this is naive but I actually think
you're taking it to another level which
is that what we're actually seeing is
not the propaganda line that America and
Israel are and Saudi Arabia are
secularizing regimes but actually that
that the United States and Israel are
very eager to work with hyper-religious
in it uncivilized people I think maybe
most of your viewers already knew this
probably preaching to the converted but
it's very obvious that you know since
maybe looking back all the way back to
the 80s when the us-supported Mujahideen
in Afghanistan and some bin Laden was
interviewed by Robert Fisk and hailed as
the hero The Liberator and you know then
the Taliban was put to power the Iraq
war Saddam was a secular leader and then
he installed now the Dawa party which is
a Shiite government and of course the
Christians in Iraq didn't fare very well
because they were treated as Saddam
supporters and so a lot of them left the
country not only because of the violence
because of targeted attacks not just by
the government that the Americans
installed but also Saudi Arabia which
was trying to create al Qaeda and Isis
in Iraq which is really all part of the
plan oh did you know it's none
written by Israel in 1982 to divide the
Middle East undersecretary in an ethnos
state lines with the creation of
Kurdistan and I do want to get into
critici-- as well because I feel like
everybody really sees now because maybe
Libya going to Libya they had the rise
of these extremist Islamist groups that
took over the country and now the war is
still going up until this point and you
know you had Egypt which everybody
forgets about but of course in 2011
during the 2010 thousand eleven trillion
Gyptian revolution this Muslim
Brotherhood came into power it was a
counter-revolution but I got it was this
Muslim Drive in the arab spring finally
comes to Syria and now you have al Qaeda
Edlin is the biggest a kind of hot spot
in the world in Italy in Syria and the
u.s. is trying to protect that and you
can hear in all the politicians mouths
begging trunk to stop Syria from going
in and getting al Qaeda out is lip and I
believe there's a lot of reasons for
this I think part of it is the need to
wipe out Middle Eastern Christianity
it's just more convenient that way
propaganda was to make people forget the
such things exist especially for Israel
because it's been wiping out Palestinian
Christians since you know its inception
by burning Christian villages in 1948
and in 1952 on Christmas Day it's really
been this push to get Christians out and
I think Israel because it's a Jewish it
needs like an antithesis to its
existence it needs to say oh look this
Islamic states - and this Christian
state over there in Lebanon we're not
alien to this place it's already divided
on the religious lines and also a lot of
the same propaganda here is you know
amongst all of these Islamic states why
can't we have a Jewish state when in as
a matter of fact you know Syria and Iraq
are not Islamic states there are ocular
states with multitude of religions that
have been existing since the beginning
of Abrahamic religions so yeah the the
bath party I believe was founded by
Christians was it not in it and it was
it is a secular you could say kind of
fascist regime I don't really say dice I
mean I forget that I'm not it's yeah
it's it's not exactly Marik and global
homo but it is yeah thorat Aryan but
those secular regime that actually has
roots and Christianity and again these
were the regime's that we are attacking
we're not attacking Saudi Arabia we we
view Saudi Arabia's and Ally Trump goes
and puts his hand on a magic globe with
other 70 princes and so on and it's just
it's it's quite bizarre that these again
the more civilized the regime the more
that it's demeaned
do you think do you think that this is a
conscious strategy on the part of maybe
not all and not not everyone in Israel
because I certainly know whenever I read
up on these Israeli elections there
there are clearly people on the Left
opposing the bivi Netanyahu line of
being being pro America pro Saudi war
mongering but is is this a conscious
strategy somewhere in Washington DC or
Jerusalem or Tel Aviv where they it's a
kind of chaos strategy because you know
looking at it from my standpoint and I'm
sure I speak for Craig here as well if
if I were a foreign policy maker in
Israel and I recognize that we we have
us we're in a prin a somewhat precarious
situation that there is a lot of
historical resentment towards Jews and
the foundation of the Jewish state etc I
would try to seek stability and I would
actually I would not be promoting any
kind of war in the region and I would
see these religious theocratic nutjob
States as as a as an enemy as something
that I would want to prevent from
arising but again I'm not making foreign
policy in Israel so it do you think
there's a there's a kind of chaos
strategy where Washington and Israel
almost thrive on the insanity that
that's ever-present in the Middle East
and I came to the conclusion that the
premise is wrong because Israel does not
want peace I mean if the premise is that
it wants peace then of course it's gonna
try to get secular leaders and become
maybe secular itself and but as a matter
of fact it doesn't want peace with Egypt
what they had there under the Mubarak
government before the Muslim Brotherhood
uprising was an alliance
they had friendly friendly relations
with Egypt so why try to get the u.s.
supporting Muslim Brotherhood
why try to stir the pot and I believe
it's because that piece that Israel has
with Egypt is a piece that Israel always
intended to eventually break because
they want to control this you know I
desert because in their book it says
everything from the Nile to the
Euphrates belongs to them and first
Prime Minister of Israel Ben Gurion that
that for future generations we have to
fight for everything from the Nile to
the Euphrates of course that includes
everything up to the Euphrates which
means the entire Syrian population has
to go and get that nuclear cleansed and
of course it's no coincidence that the
u.s. is in the east of the Euphrates
even though the population of Kurds are
not concentrated in that location the
Khan the Kurds in Syria are actually a
northern strip that is not contiguous
it's kind of got pockets on the north
it's got nothing to do with the East
oil-rich area that majority in that area
is not Kurdish they're like 35 40
percent of that region the rest are
Arabs Turkmen and Assyrian Christians
which are completely forgotten about by
the media so it basically is to me not
only about the oil but also about you
know making this not come true and the
reason why it's obviously not a
coincidence or an accident or just
several mistakes that they keep making I
mean nobody could be so stupid as to
continue to make the same mistake
without learning from me it's because in
their think tanks they produce documents
and papers that are outlining the
strategy all along I mean in the project
for a new American Century where they
had a map a map of the noodle is that
they wanted to create they already had
this Kurdistan this sunny region
shai region and they had an Alawite
state as well on the coast and that is
one of the other reasons why they really
needed al Qaeda because if they could
get the Muslim Brotherhood or al-qaeda
to take over Syria and just ethnically
cleanse all of the minorities the making
the minorities to close in on themselves
and to create their own microstates and
in that way would cut Syria off from the
coastline because a lot of other words
construed on the coast
so the multi-faceted strategy is to why
this is important but it's definitely an
essential yeah it certainly Craig jump
in here I have a couple more things I
want to dig in on this because I think
getting at the deep strategy is really
important because when you understand
that then you unlock the puzzle and and
and you start you can you can actually
see what's happening and understand it
but this idea you know one of the other
things is that a secular regime that is
maybe a bit on the authoritarian side
etc can be a real threat in the sense
that it is powerful it can actually have
a corporate identity the state that is
above say ethnic or ethno-religious
squabbling and so that perhaps Israel
views a leader like Saddam or or or
Assad as a greater threat because he can
he can use the power of the modern state
whereas if you have Kurdistan and Sunni
and Shia murdering each other left and
right etc you might have these little
micro states but you know again they're
they're these little these little
statelets like that they're not going to
be able to command an army they're not
going to be able to project power
they're they're not gonna be able to
deal with other states and international
relations and and so there's there is
just this idea of chaos is better and I
find this insane I would never in my own
wife I've actually had a lot of chaos
recently and I've I now that I've been
able to kind of settle things down I
feel so much better but again I am not
the type of person who is making foreign
policy in Israel and for them the more
you know the more drama the better just
the more insane and bloody it gets the
better and I again that is not how I
would ever view the world but I I think
there is something to it there's one
thing on this I remember there was a
book on the Neo
conservatives that I read and they they
had this it was I was by hyal burn they
had this anecdote about some neo cons
who were planning a conference and the
they were planning a conference a year
and a half in advance and so they were
asking show their Oh what should we
title these speeches or something they
said well the keynote speech should be
the crisis in the Middle East and and
then one of them asked the other neocon
Oh which crisis and they're like oh I
don't know but there's gonna be one this
we we kind of we almost like to let you
know laughs like oh oh of course they're
it's it's crazy in the Middle East but
it need not be that way like there there
actually is policy and strategy that is
generating this kind of chaos and I
would say one could extend that to the
Palestinian question which I'd like you
to talk about a little bit but I think
most people are I would say that most
people even most Americans I would even
say most Republicans support a two-state
solution where the Palestinians would
have a state Israel would remain a
Jewish state there would be problems but
that seems to be better there are some
people on the left and maybe on the
right too who actually want a one-state
solution that would include Palestinians
and would actually seriously question
israel's identity as a Jewish state and
and there are other neocon jihadi anti
jihadi types or faith golde or whatever
when a one-state solution of Israel
they're basically just dominating
Palestinians forever apparently and
though they'll never be part of it
I certainly myself I would support a
two-state solution I think that's the
most sensible thing but I I think in a
way if we extend that that chaos theory
metaphor perhaps Israel never once there
to be a solution they they just they
they can afford this occupation they get
billions from the u.s. there are
productive economy any way they can
afford this occupation they don't want
to ever answer this question they just
want to endlessly
laya and they think they can endlessly
delay it for another three or four
decades I agree completely that that's
what they want I'd liked I want to
answer your question but I just wanted
to answer that step a little bit back to
the chaos question because you know I
don't know if you know or your viewers
know about the original plan which was a
plan written by a really military of
Schiller think tank that described how
in the next 20 years the Middle East is
going to be divided and it's basically a
divide and conquer strategy which is
what we've been no and I think you know
if you want chaos around you Israel if
it can have its enemies fighting each
other then of course it's better for
itself but also I believe if you you
know if you want chaos take consider
Isis for example I assist wanted to
fight as many nations as possible
because there was a prophecy that near
the end of times Islam will be fought by
a specific number of Nations I think
with 70 to 74
because at the end of the day Isis is
amazing apocalyptic cult that wanted to
create a state in Syria and that state
that they wanted to create was composed
of foreigners from all over the world
who either converted to Islam or you
know we're from Saudi Arabia etcetera
that just converged on Syria and tried
to occupy its nun and Israel is exactly
the same thing it's amazing an occult
they believe they're gunning for the
Messiah they want to build their temple
and in order to get this Messiah to come
a few things have to happen probably
including taking over everything from
the Nile to the Euphrates once that
Messiah comes they believe they're gonna
have dominion over us and everyone being
slaved and that is and they are
foreigners from all over the world who
are extremely religious and who came
once again to Syria because they occupy
the Golan Heights and the greater the
Mount which includes Palestine and
basically are just taking over a lot so
for a Syrian what we see is realized is
a second Isis oh and of course
another Israel and we'll get to that
later but because it's the second Isis
it is the UH the antithesis to us it's
like the existential crisis we cannot
exist while there is in Israel so for
absolutely sure I support a one state
secular solution and in fact the
two-state solution is no longer even
possible because you know Netanyahu just
announced like last month I think that
next Jamie intends to next to us back
which is where the majority of
Palestinians live and of course they
want it to be like it's still a Jewish
state that's why I mean enacted the
Jewish nation state goal and they want
to basically ethnically cleanse the
people who are there first no matter
what they say about them being their
first 2,000 years ago or something and I
don't know you do it your viewers might
not agree but not only Jews are not the
Palestinian and Syrian Jews have always
been there of course Jewish Judaism came
out of that region but used from India
for example or Jews from Ethiopia or
Yemen or Morocco or Poland or Russia
they have no history in that region and
it's demonstrated by their cultural
differences I guess what I'm trying to
say is Israel is not a nation-state
because to be honest Jews are not a race
they're not they're not an ethnicity
really they are many many races they're
just to religion some of them are
Ashkenazi Ashkenazi may be an ethnicity
but it can be an ethnicity that isn't
necessarily a Jewish one they are
Christian asked cannot see if there's
people who are Christian all their life
and they do a DNA testing they come up
with Ashkenazi so it's ethnicity that's
not necessarily connected to Judaism and
of course there's Jews that are
definitely zero percent Ashkenazi so to
say that it's a race is not based on
science and to say that you know just
under morality you know in this this is
the current here I guess the mean is
and/or we're seeing a genocide right
before our eyes people have been
and people are just cheering it on
because of the propaganda and you know
the thing is that they do thrive on
chaos because at the end of the day if
they didn't have an outside enemy they
would not be able to have a cohesive
country because even my own professor
who was very neutral on his joy went to
visit Israel and returned and said what
did I understood from that country
everybody hates each other like they
have they are not one cohesive society
we German Jews hate the Russian Jews
hate the Arab Jews hate you know the
Moroccans so they need an outside enemy
to remain cohesive and at the same time
you know if they didn't have Syria
wasn't their enemy for example what then
would they have an excuse to remain a
Jewish state and not become one secular
state with being citizens as well I mean
it would be really strange to be friends
with a secular state right next door
while you're killing people for their
ethnicity right
right I think you're getting it some
interesting concepts around Jewish
identity and Israeli identity and I I I
would say that one probably could trace
some a Jewish line that leads back to
the Torah but I think you are right
absolutely and the sense that the Jews
as a race take on the characteristics of
their host nation so they are a there is
I think there's a bit of a myth than the
alt-right about pure jews or something
like that and that that is really
incorrect they are maybe the least pure
and in a way they need that they need a
concept of their own oppression and
their own lachrymose history and then
they need anti-semitism in a way in
order to congeal there has to be that
yin and yang you could say in order for
their their identity to make sense and
and you're also correct you know within
Israel they're obviously different
by dividing lines they kind of all hate
each other although I guess that's not
too uncommon with every country
basically but but I think your your
general point is is absolutely correct
so you think that the only way forward
now because of this likely coming
annexation of the West Bank that the
only way forward is for there to be a a
state that might be called Israel it
might be called something else but that
would include the Palestinian people
with rights and that it would have a
secular identity above that just just
because we were past the point where a
two-state solution is possible that
that's an interesting I think any person
on the left that would deny that are
acting as gatekeepers and I guess on the
right they would probably support he
wants the exhibition because they don't
believe Palestinians or they deny the
existence of like ethnicity of the
Levantine people so someone who is
Syrian and as you know I'm sure you've
heard of the SNP which is separate from
the Baath Party it's a different I don't
know have you heard of it
it's a Syrian national socialist
Nationalist Party their view of it is
that the Syrian people can be one it's
called banana sham which in Arabic means
the land of the north's because for the
Arabs Syria is the land of the north and
of course for Europe is the Near East so
right you know that's that the Levant is
basically has a very long shared history
we all spoke Aramaic at one point you
know we have similar culture and
language wise were pretty much the same
way I mean I can only understand Syrians
Lebanese and Palestinians I struggle a
lot to understand Iraq he's an Egyptian
because the accent is just so different
but our history is very linked so the
idea is that the entire we
to be part of the greater Syria and of
course that's what I would hope for but
that would be a very long way off but if
if something internally happens within
Israel that changes its idea and it
becomes a secular state then perhaps
that dream of a greater Syria would be
much closer to be realized because then
the opportunity to federalize Palestine
Lebanon and Syria would present itself
you can call it is really cool whatever
you want but it wouldn't be a Jewish
only state it would be a state for the
people that live on that land all right
so that is either that happens through
an uprising within or it happens with an
external push and the only push that
could be possible is with Syria and its
allies which is gonna know where we yeah
you know it's it's interesting to think
about whether Jewish nationalism can
really ever be stable or ever ever exist
if you look in into the history of the
Jewish people when they have revolted
against empires say revolting against
the Roman Empire they will unlikely get
crushed and it is actually when they are
in a host Empire that they have achieved
their greatest success the Ottoman
Empire being an excellent example of
that I would just say America they post
Titan 45 America they've achieved
remarkable success no one can deny that
and so they they seem to I know there's
a kind of dual consciousness as you know
in the sense of being most successful as
a as a people within another Empire I
hesitate to use the word parasite
because that that obviously is a loaded
term but it need not be met loaded I'm
using it neutrally there there are
parasites in nature that actually serve
purposes and so on but they exist as a
parasite on greater empires and that's
where they're successful when they've
attempted this Messianic Judaism they
have very often
and absolutely crushed again we're not
dealing with Romans who you know won't
abide that kind of stuff and we'll just
snuff it out well you know we're dealing
with this American Empire which has
become extremely Pro scientists although
that seems to be waning but yeah I think
there's a there's a kind of deeper
deeper question of whether a Jewish
nationalism can ever be stable and it
and whether it will just always need
chaos I I wanted to ask another question
and that is its its two-pronged and it
involves the the anti jihadi movement
and in the West and also the the
refugees so um the way I see it I I have
always been very critical of the anti
jihadi movement and I've never really
been a part of it even if I might agree
with them on on some things because it
is a kind of right-wing quasi
traditionalist Christian group but I've
always been very skeptical of them and
these the anti jihadi movement it seems
a way to to trick Americans and
Europeans into being obsessed really
with Muslims in the Middle East and to
see Israel as not even our ally there
they're worth it's it's there they're
fighting our fight for were armed I
guess a lie we're arm and arm fighting
the Muslims and you know we're one in a
way like the West I think you're right
to suggest a sort of super Ally
relationship where yeah once once in a
while you see new data news items that
quickly disappear but it'll be about a
general who an American general who will
say something that is you know strictly
speaking treason it basically equates
Israel with the United States and that
you know it doesn't blur the line but
basically a race is
the line between Israel and in the US
and you know puts kind of puts the puts
Israel sort of above the US right even
someone has seemingly non militant as
Nancy Pelosi of all people actually
declared that you know America could
burn down and be ash but at least Israel
earth would survive I was just watching
this I'm like I can't believe such words
would come out of anyone's mouth it's
just you know a bizarre particularly
this you know eighty year old
fancy lady from San Francisco saying
these things but yeah so I I'm I'm
skeptic I've always been skeptical the
auntie jihadi movement even though I
might agree with them on some level but
then there's also I I've seen various
reports of Israel not only offering
succor baby ously
to Isis but also Israeli groups actually
offering help to refugees and so the way
I see it there's a kind of you know
action and response built in you know
system where you you have these these
bad things that are bad and that are are
clearly gonna create an emotional
response and angst like the the refugees
etc and are and then we have this kind
of built in answer which is you have to
really hate Muslims the Quran is that is
the problem
these Palestinians need to be wiped off
the face of the map and so it's like
they're in a brilliant way they're using
very natural understandable angst and
nationalist emotions and they're
twisting them into supporting Israel and
the Middle East and just and again
engaging in an endless war against
Muslims in that region it's really
interesting to witness this drive of you
know Israel and this media pushed by a
lot of luck for exact
as relevant who runs the rebel media you
know their main focus or BB part which
was actually in Creed in Jerusalem is to
look at these Muslims look at how
disgusting and behaving which let's face
it a lot of them have been I mean like
Syria I said either Muslim myself and I
I still identify as Muslim and is
Muslims fighting Isis and al-qaeda in
Syria but did we get any help from like
Muslims outside of Syria or have they
been seeing us as you know those
heathens that are killing all the
Muslims you know Muslims the problem is
like any group like the Jewish groups as
well they see cause anything what which
side are Muslims on and then what he
just you know the same thing happened in
Yugoslavia you know when Muslims for
once in their life supported nato
bombardment so I know it was once in
their life back then but actually maybe
Afghanistan's well you know it's it's
what they see is on their side of course
with al-qaeda and Isis becoming more and
more disgusting people the game began to
try to distance themselves to some
extent I don't think that the problem
though is it's not because what else
every old book has a lot of things in it
that could be you know for example the
Old Testament is where stoning gaze
comes from it doesn't come from the
Quran for example you know it can be
taken you could take it or leave it
or you can interpret it in a different
way I think that the the problem is that
more so that who is funding these groups
and it's obviously it's been the United
States that's funding these groups and
who is controlling the United States
well you have well let's talk about a
pack let's talk about the Zionist lobby
because now we're allowed to so who are
or are we and when you talk about you
know this push towards Doug and says you
it's reminds me of
eleven with the dancing Israelis how
when they were arrested the first thing
that they said is we're not your problem
the Palestinians are your problem and
that is to get you know Americans to
just go along with whatever war Israel
is fighting in the meantime as you said
they were giving arms to al-qaeda in the
Syria in Syria's Golan Heights they were
giving them a salary they were treating
their wounded this photos of Israeli
soldiers anging out with al-qaeda on the
Internet you can google it and find it
the Israeli politicians and their
military said and I wrote a really long
tweet thread about this said that you
know they would rather have Isis win
than Iran in Syria and the head of the X
head of Mossad announcer - why's he
helping al Qaeda says al Qaeda's never
attacked Israel and it's not our problem
if they attacked our greatest ally you
know the US which wasn't in an interview
with Al Jazeera so this is all out in
the open but nobody ever talks about it
Trump never reads the whisper of it and
I think point of the matter is the event
Galica Christians in the u.s. have made
this unholy alliance with Zion ISM and
they themselves are maybe even more
hardcore Zionist some Jews and it's
completely against Orthodox Christianity
because Orthodox Christianity has always
had history of alliance in the Levant
especially with Muslims and it was
actually a covenant amongst Orthodox
Christianity and Islam I'm not talking
about the ISIS version of it so there is
there is that but if you notice if you
notice in the media amongst left-wing
liberal Jews they're cultivating an
alliance as well with Muslim immigrants
as yourself and that is because they see
Muslims in the West as natural allies
against the you know the anyone that
would try to discriminate against them
it's like a shield
example if anyone says that
maybe we should have introduced laws
that will end circumcision for babies
someone will come out and say no that
will deny the right of Muslims their
their their religious duty but it is of
course it's also protecting another
religion and what they want to do so
it's a shield like that maybe you know
some groups perhaps they they're sick of
having Christmas being pushed onto them
and they'll take down Christmas trees
and say oh no we have to be sensitive to
the minorities or Muslims when in
reality it's not Muslims that are
opposing Christmas because some Muslims
do celebrate Christmas but perhaps
another religion or another group are
using that as a shield and that was
interesting when not read on burned down
there was an article 34 last thing where
I also tried to use Muslims as a shield
in an attempt to get much you down to be
built in a modern way it takes into
account the fact that France now 5%
Muslim I think that someone else has a
problem with not read on because of
anti-semitism and now they're using
Islam as a means to keep it down so
that's that's my I I think you're
absolutely correct again it's a
brilliant multi-layered strategy that
that is in some ways foreign to people
like us where we like to say what we
mean and mean what we say and do things
directly and so on whereas Jews again
their their long-term strategy has not
been like that it's not been as this
Jewish state confronting other groups
it's it's been within other groups and
basically using manipulation and
subterfuge and multi-layered thinking so
they're there in a way kind of deeper
than we are
I'll say this I've been hogging the mic
so I want to give it to Craig for a
little bit and we can we can hit some
super chats but I would just say this
good ok real quick throughout my adult
lifetime being on the right you know for
whatever that might mean
I have seen so much enthusiasm for these
basically Zionist European nationalist
and this Girt builders is an excellent
example pretty much every ethno
Nationalist Party that's maybe God in
five percent or 15 percent in in
parliament everyone gets excited is
hyper Pro Zionism they want to talk
about the dangers of Islam endlessly and
I get it to some extent and you can even
see this with figures like Milo or Trump
who is you know far more Zionist than
than any president we've had ever and I
I just think that for the right to be
authentic and real for there to be a
real European right for in Europe and
for Americans and Australia we we need
to get over this anti jihadi stuff I
don't we can if we continue down this
line and we don't talk about the real
issues that we care about and we said
just deconstruct the Quran or focus on
some bombing a rocket attack in in the
West Bank or something we're never going
to be an authentic right we need to get
beyond this false dialectic of Islam is
bad therefore I love Israel yes
absolutely and I knew a very hardcore
nationĂ­s that said you know there's only
one step from I hate Muslims to let for
me rock which is exactly you know how it
was sold and who is the ones that are
who are the ones are being killed the
most by these Islamic terrorists it's
other Muslims it's the people that are
fighting al-qaeda and Isis on the ground
like the Syrian army like civilians in
you know some any name any Middle
Eastern country but of course who gets
all the ire as well it's it's it's the
people who are victims of this u.s. post
but I will defer to Krebs and see what
you want to do him speak but I hope that
we can get to talking about the Golan
and the US occupation as well oh
definitely I'll let Craig take it take
over a little bit but I'm really glad we
talked through this because we got it
the big picture and and I think that's
important before we look at the little
picture so Vuitton yeah well I mean
there are some prompts that I could jump
in on but it's not really necessary I
just like to keep the discussion you
know largely between you two going but
why don't we just check and see if we
have some super chats and then and then
go from there okay we do and there's
some interesting ones because I I
glanced at them so Henry the 8th for $10
thank you for the donation Syrian girl
do you agree with white nationalist and
that non European Muslims should go back
to their countries you know let's and
and let me since that actually is one of
the prompts that I wanted to ask about
you know Richard you just talked about
about you know some people like geert
wilders a lot of these European
nationalist parties and I'm kind of
curious how how Mimi evaluates you know
these parties and we know we have we
have another kind of surge occurring
right now along these lines in Denmark I
don't know enough about those people
even to say where they line up and in
terms of Zionism but yeah so you know
white nationalist parties and European
nationalist parties in Europe how do you
evaluate them how do you decide whether
to take them seriously
as opposed you know just to parties that
will arrive at a Zionists mentality if
they haven't gotten there already and
just kind of engage in sort of
jingoistic rhetoric against against
Muslims you know just more broadly I'm
wondering like you talked about natural
allies for the the left and the Zionists
I mean who who are your allies who are
out who are our allies and
how do we how do we move forward with
something that potentially can kind of
challenge this this madness thank you
well it's very I my opinion on it it's
multifaceted and it's not completely
composed yet however I if you give me
but this I'll try to answer this
question so obviously as an immigrant I
have my own personal view on it I don't
actually see immigration as a great
thing because it took me away from my
extended family I would have liked to
have spent more time with my cousins my
grandparents my aunts and uncles before
and the fact that now because of the war
most of my family members have basically
dispersed across the globe now there's
even less chance of me going to one
place and meeting them all now that
basically everybody's been like thrown
like petals in the wind
so in terms of as an immigrant
immigration hasn't been a great thing
and I was made an immigrant as a child
so it's not like I really had a choice
in the matter but I was you know now now
I would like to be able to go back but
because I've been so removed from that
there is the difficulty I mean I
intention is to return however of course
the war has made it more difficult than
it already is for an immigrant who's
been so removed from their roots
basically and I think that these wars
are are approaching people I mean if you
talk to Palestinians they will say call
themself uprooted Palestinians because
it's like they're now in an unnatural
place they're being forced to be
refugees and I find it interesting that
a lot of these pro-israel right-wing
groups want Palestinians to remain in
the West they want them to stay as
refugees because they oppose the right
of return and I think that the right of
refugees should be maintained and I find
interesting in that question you know
when it comes to okay before I get to
dots because it's another a whole other
kind of worms but I feel that the focus
on the left of being
refugees is this ingenious because a lot
of the time they don't talk about the
cause of the refugees and it's not just
the wars it's also the economic
basically mafia-like actions are
happening in sub-saharan Africa like the
French government are still making them
pay taxes colonial taxes in some states
now Africa itself needs like time to
stand up on its feet but we don't need
to make it any more difficult than it
already is at this point so and what you
know why do they want this why do they
want to create Wars and chaos and
divisions and and diamond mines and you
know all of the scales in both the
Middle East and Africa and parts of Asia
perhaps they need cheap labor
perhaps because borders get in the way
of taxes and tariffs and they would
rather have the globalization where
everything is the same and everywhere
has the same restaurants and there's no
culture and there's no nationhood it
were because that's the end the game the
end game is no nation-states and I think
that nation-states you know they still
have a lot of merit right now so why
throw the baby out with the bathwater I
think that I
there are ardent Italian movements in
Europe I do get it but at the same time
you see a lot of these movements that
are basing their entire premise on I
hate Muslims without any cause and
effect of wired God why is the
government opening these borders like
why why is the policy of
multiculturalism why where's the
political why are these working for a
lot of people don't even get to that
point and their focus is we don't want
these Muslims which is what I find
interesting about your question because
it was non European Muslims because
there are European Muslims I mean the
number of Muslims that are over European
background in Europe are far greater
than the number of Muslim immigrants at
this point
so obviously you can't get rid of all
Muslims from Europe unless you wanna you
know ethnically
a lot of the Balkans and Macedonia
Russia parts of Russia which is you know
obviously a lot of if you tell people
that some of them probably be proved
this even though these people are like
ethnically European and the other
question is does that mean that why
focus on Muslim immigration what about
Christian immigration you know is that
if someone is a Christian from the
Middle East Asia or Africa are they okay
to immigrate then because no Africa is
I believe Christian um especially
sub-saharan Africa so is are they okay
with that is it a more religious thing
that they don't like or is it a racial
thing is this is not very clear on that
however or is it a cultural thing
however I do want to say as far as from
a Middle Eastern perspective when I see
Australia saying that or even when I see
right-wingers and the Australian
government saying that we will accept
only Syrian Christians or mostly Syrian
Christians the way I read that is we
want to make sure that only Syrian
Christians are ethnically cleansed from
Syria we want to make sure that their
population is diminished in Syria and by
by helping them out by bringing them
into the West especially causing a brain
drain because Germany actually has
fast-tracked Syrian doctors to get in
without needing to be refugees because
they need doctors they have not enough
doctors in the country so to see it from
a Middle Eastern lens it's also bad for
the Middle East I mean there's no anyone
who has a degree that's worth anything
is gonna try to run no I doubt that and
that's absolutely terrible for the
region no question okay so I guess your
answer to his super shy your answer has
it's complicated but i i i i would say
just you know you actually presented a
kind of tragic view of your own
immigration which I really appreciate
which is that you know obviously you
like aspects of the West you have
friends here you you've become certainly
more Western but at the same time you've
cut off from your own roots and so
there-there is a real tragedy to what's
happened it's not yeah you know
hunky-dory and she was mean if being an
immigrant was so great well let's just
keep immigrating let's emigrate all the
time where are we going right let's
let's try another country you know right
well Craig and I might have to do that
actually pretty soon but for for other
reasons because we're being oppressed in
the West anyway okay
let's move on to Thomas Eckert 420 Heil
Syrian girl hail Spencer okay thank you
you got a hail 499 I guess no username I
fell in love with Syrian girl when I
first saw her on Twitter denouncing
circumcision truly the surest way to an
all writers heart
the girl is a keeper okay lots of nice
things said here a quick question can
she offer any insight into how Syrians
self-identify in racial terms okay
that's interesting so what is the how do
Syrians I did I understand themselves
racially and ethnically oh did we lose
her I wonder if we did oh yeah looks
like we did okay well that helps
I'll keep yeah that happens I'll keep an
eye on that and see if okay he is
reaching out so to get back on but yeah
great great discussion so far when she
does get back on I know that she wants
to hit in particular the issue of it
live in the curl and Kurds and she wants
to talk about you know the issue of
statehood and the concept of stateless
people which you know I think is
interesting for for Europeans I mean
this is a nation-state structure that is
broadly operating in the interests of
its people in Europe is something that
you know that that we have obviously
grown to take for granted far past the
point where it's where it's relevant for
us and I think it would be good that you
know think about ways to remind
our that you know the people around
around us ordinary people around us that
you know we can become and the much more
literal sense stateless people even then
we already already feel that we are so
it looks like yeah it looks like Mimi's
back okay no idea what happened alright
yes probably Mossad but we won't
theorize too much
okay so the question was in brief how do
Syrians identify racially and ethnically
I'm sure I uh I guess sorry one moment
please sir I just wanted to just mention
that we're just finally on the
immigration question I think in an ideal
world people would emigrate to the place
that they out of love if you love a
culture if you love a land then you know
in that rare case where you love a
different land you would emigrate but to
force people to immigrate because of war
or you know economic reasons is not the
ideal and it's interesting that a lot of
people see those that immigrated to the
west are suddenly transcending into
humanity and that's something that the
left always does you know like these
this Muslim is a citizen you know so we
should care more about them what
identify as racially basically I think
that as a scientist to me I don't see
any racial difference between me and a
Greek who lives like just across the
road from Syria you know it's it's I've
been to Greece and they look exactly the
it's me I've been to Italy and they look
very similar to my people as well maybe
especially in the south so I don't
really see that this line this thin line
that separates Europe from the Near East
of course I do think that races do exist
and there's ethnicities within those
races but I guess I identify as a
Mediterranean and obviously whatever
white is I guess I've never thought of
myself as separate from from other okay
and white people right into the West and
suddenly all this political stuff was
imposed on that right well I would say
that sometimes painting with a broader
brushstroke actually is better in the
sense that you know saying that you know
I'm I'm a pure Bavarian or something
well that's probably not true you know
you you you you you you you don't have
to go too far up the family tree to find
an Italian your ancestry or a swamp
urasue right and I think sometimes
actually painting with a broader brush
is actually better you as a Syrian you
probably do have a lot in common
maybe not religiously but culturally
with Greeks or Italians and someone that
there there is a kind of broader
Mediterranean cultural race so to speak
I think that's perfectly reasonable
things say we eat the same moment so
obviously we can have the same
evolutionary pushes sure sure okay well
what is what is an ethnic breakdown of
of Syria what are some of the divisions
and so uh Wow okay so this issue of
Syria is up for debate because what it
really using what people identify as
it's not necessarily the same thing of
course it's called the Syrian Arab
Republic but Arab has become synonymous
with people who identify with the
language group rather than a race
because you have Arabs from Sudan or and
they are completely different race
altogether they're they're not are up
there they're black
so obviously Arab has become not a race
however there is an Arab race and it's
concentrated among Saudi Arabians
Yemenites United Arab Emirates basically
the Gulf Syria has always been separated
from the Gulf by swirls the amount of
desert I mean the region of Syria is
inhabited is hugging the Mediterranean
coast so there's always been a
separation between Syria and you know
our lands because of that the same way
that the Sahara Desert separates North
Africa from sub-saharan Africa and the
Mediterranean Sea separates North Africa
from Europe so we've always had a
separate separate language where we we
have Aramaic we have separate culture we
dress differently to them we eat
differently we have different music so
we are definitely ethnically different
from that although we are still Middle
Eastern and within Syria I guess the
majority of people are part of that
original Aramaic ethnic group but we
have also Caucasians that come from the
Caucasus of Russia we have Armenians
that came because of the Armenian
we have Greeks a lot of Muslim Greeks
that were pushed out of Greece came to
Syria and they have Greek restaurants
there which I went to once it's so
strange going to a Greek restaurant in
Syria and we have I'm not mentioning the
religions yet that's a whole nother but
I'm just mentioning ethnicities and then
we have the Kurds which are basically
there we have to get to that what
they're trying to create their own
separate piece of land but a lot of them
actually came to Syria as refugees from
Turkey and are they are ethnically
Iranian they're a Persian people in
their language is Iranian
they basically the nomads of Iran they
were nomadic since still until World War
one and they followed azar ghost
mountains so we will get to to that but
also there is the Assyrians Assyrians
have a link to our mayor because there
they speak Eastern Aramaic and but they
are more so closer to North Iraq and
this region of Syria that they're trying
to codify and that is another ethnic
group I'm sure I'm forgetting the
Turkmens which are Turkic people that
came from Turkey I mean this is there's
a few ethnic groups not even mentioning
the religious groups because that's a
separate thing so I think that's
if you want religions this there's Druze
there's Christians this otherwise this
Jews there's Muslims destiny this
Shiites and actually Assad is an Alawite
a xenon
uh yeah religiously he's an Alawite I
guess it was more in that I heard once
that he converted I don't know that's
true he's obviously not a very religious
guy uh his wife is too neither okay
alright so why don't we talk about the
Kurds since that was brought up Craig
has some questions on that well no I
just know that I know that Mimi wanted
to talk about that so why don't we let
her kind of address the Kurds you know
it's very important from an American
perspective and that's another thing I
won't I won't insist upon it but if I do
get an opportunity I'm gonna circle back
to kind of these bigger regime policy
questions to focus on the u.s. a little
bit but you know in the lead up
basically in the lead up to all of our
invasions or or or involvement sat Iraq
the Kurds featured very very strongly
and and we were we were led to believe
that these were these were the really
fantastic people in the Middle East so
you know if if Mimi has kind of a red
pilled perspective on that I think we'd
love to hear it thank you so much story
guys to keep bringing back this topic
because I feel that a lot of people
already know that the rebel groups are
al-qaeda that's pretty much already in
the zeitgeist but nothing really about
the Kurds has been discussed in a non
mainstream way because Russia has its
own reasons to support the curse so it's
not on RT because they're doing it to
get a turkey so you're only gonna get
this perspective and from someone like
me basically and maybe the Assyrian
groups because the other ones are
suffering the most from the Kurds okay
so when I you know first started even in
the Iraq war I was said this line that
Kurds were robbed of a nation-state by
the sykes-picot those guys who drew up
the map of the middle
least just left the Kurds out and they
were victims and they've been victims
ever since victims story very similar to
the stateless Jews story the poorest
people and it's interesting that I came
to learn that that's that a whole
narrative is completely bogus because
the reason why they were not included in
that is because the Kurds are an Iranian
nomadic group that never built a
civilization or a nation anywhere in
history except of course taking into
account the fact that they're from
Persia so they were nomadic until World
War one why because after World War one
that was the Armenian Genocide and the
Kurds actually participated in the
Armenian Genocide along with the Turks
and they had a sort of a unofficial deal
which is written down in the books of
history that by kicking out the
Armenians they get to live in the houses
of the Armenians there because that
region that they're declaring Kurdistan
the east of Turkey if you looked at the
old maps that was our Armenia so there
was a genocide against the Armenians
which actually came to Syria running
away from Turks and Kurds and at that
time Turkey and the Kurds had no problem
but after they okay Ararat Mountain
Ararat Mountain in Turkey is what the
Armenians see as they're the center of
their land because that was the mountain
where Noah the guy with the animals in
the boat was supposed to have landed his
ship after the whole water thing so I
have nothing very good this religious
stuff but yeah so for Christians because
our meaning the Christian that is a very
significant piece of land is part of
their heritage
but once the Army the Kurdish groups
began to occupy the homes of the
Armenians they started to write fake
history the Ararat Mountain belongs to
Kurdistan and that is when Turkey
you decided well you know what we
genocided the Armenians if you think
you're gonna become separatist - then we
were gonna fight you and then there was
a attack by Turkey against the Kurds and
what happened as a result waves and
waves of them started to come into Syria
and at the time the French occupation
saw in the Kurds an opportunity because
they they said that they could use them
for farm labor this is over on Wikipedia
by the way it's not even like they don't
even hide it CNN BBC and Washington Post
all admitted the fact that Kurds were
nomadic BBC although changed that later
- they were native to the land when I
say that they're nomadic it means that
they came from somewhere into four
different countries they came from Iran
into Iraq into turkey into Armenia into
Syria the the civilizations that were
already there included the Assyrians
which they're trying the Kurds have the
Armenian Genocide also was a genocide of
the Assyrians and the Kurds have an
Syrians which are Christian always have
had animosity towards each other and now
in the north of Iraq a lot of areas
which were historically for 5,000 years
part of the Assyrian civilization is
being claimed by the Kurds and they're
trying to change history claiming that
Nimrod and all of these assyrian and
babylonian artifacts were kurdish and
the same thing is happening in syria
like for example the city of kobani was
actually called I in Lara but they
changed it to kobani because there was a
German railway company in 1920 which
they worked for and it's built was like
a railway and in German the name for
railway is born so it became kobani and
so this it's not like they had a long
history in the area the word wrote Java
that they keep saying or Java or java
re' Java just means West it's not like
they had a historical row Java that
there is partly there's never been a
history there has never been a spirit of
civilization in history except for if
you count the Persian one it's certainly
not in the region I mean they claim that
they originate from the median Empire
but the center of the means was actually
like north east of Iran nothing to do
with the Levant nothing to do with
cymatics speaking lands so this whole
idea of them being victims is completely
bogus and then creative state in this
area is also bogus because they're not a
majority in the lands that they're
claiming they're their plurality in some
regions only and finally you know these
groups that Trump is supporting are
Marxist groups that are linked to the
PKK which the US has designated a
terrorist organization and it's
interesting because this is exactly how
Israel started Israel started as a very
strong links to communism that's why the
Soviet Union was one of the first
countries to officially identify Israel
to legitimize it at the UN because they
started with this selling the world this
idea that they were going to create a
democratic state for all inhabitants
it's not gonna be an ethnos state
they're not trying to steal people's
land they just want communism and
democracy it's exactly how the Kurdish
groups are selling Kurdistan to these
sjw's and anti furs and idiots from in
the West while at the same time working
with Empire at the same time Israel were
the British Empire the same way that the
Kurds are working with the US Empire
it's it's completely like I can't
understand how they can stand the
cognitive dissonance of their existence
in this state and yeah that's what Syria
is up against and it's very important to
get that information out to the West
because you know the victim card that
the Kurds are playing is the same one
that Israelis played and it's
interesting these nomadic groups that
like Israelis the Jews were nomads too
that when all over the world they they
have to create this fake history in
order to steal other people's land and
it always somehow happens to be
deliverance but it suffers from that
yeah I found it bizarre I think there
was actually a tweet
you did that i retweeted but it was all
of these anti fuh revolutionary Marxist
and and so on agreeing with Donald Trump
about the necessity of a Kurdish
homeland I just remember seeing this and
just saying why like where is this
coming from because states are only okay
when certain groups say it's okay right
yeah and then and then also the the
Kurds just seem like another agent of
chaos you're gonna we're gonna have some
other new state let that we're gonna
have to go in there and create it's
going to be inherently weak and and and
you know in the shadow of the the
American Empire etc it's just it's just
bizarre okay Craig do you want to say
something or should I go to another
super chest well why don't we why don't
we let me expand another thing that I
know she wanted to talk about you were
just talking about the issue of ethnos
States and me I know you wanted to talk
a little bit about the issue of
statehood and also just the fact the
reality of people in the Middle East who
were stateless and just the idea of
stateless people overall I think this is
something that Europeans you know should
think about as we kind of accelerate
towards something that we don't really
understand and we're coming out of a
very long period where we have taken for
granted for a long time that we are
supported by nation states that have our
interests at heart that's becoming
harder for us to see you know for our
own part and it's not clear where things
are headed so there's a whole there's a
whole reality and historical experience
of people who you know exists without
without the nation-state and so I'm
interested to get your perspective on
that I think it's fine to exist without
one if you know if you have rights where
you are I know there is gypsies in
Europe that are basically have a very
long nomadic identity but I think it's
it's not okay for for example for
the Gypsy Roman people they don't really
respect borders because there are
nomadic people the same way that Kurds
don't respect borders but it's one thing
to not respect other people's borders
and then suddenly decide that you only
respect your own the one that had drawn
up and and it's also another thing to
have those borders cutting into other
people's land which you have no history
so I also find it interesting that you
know when when you have stateless people
that have no history of a state you can
see that their maps are oftentimes not
the same like this you I can go on into
now internet now and find a hundred
different Kurdistan's one is east of the
Euphrates one is like going all the way
into Aleppo and you know taking over the
city of Aleppo and going into and takia
take to the ocean so at the same time
it's interesting but I actually also
found multiple maps of Israel you know
back in the day when they were still
drawing up those borders part they had
it including Jordan you know they had
different shapes because you know
there's no you know this is there's no
promise there's nothing really to hold
on to to create this so I I don't know
what else I could add on that so I'll
just go to you guys well it is
interesting because as I'll just return
to what Craig was saying where most
Europeans have a state I mean I it's
hard for me to name a kind of nomadic
stateless European people we are settled
and so we we take that for granted we
don't really think about what that would
be like and I think it's it's also in a
way harder for us to understand the the
kind of coming reality because I mean
one one of the certain like baked in the
cake futures for white people in the in
the United States is to increasingly
become a minority and become a minority
probably by 2040 and I think we don't we
don't have this historical consciousness
and we don't really know how to deal
with it
but you know I I don't even have an
answer to
I've been talking for a long time about
how we need to really start changing our
mindset but but I I certainly don't have
an answer for this this question because
it is going to be new
well actually I think for Kurds the
answer is to get citizenship in the
states that they are in so for example
Kurds in Syria there was a census that
denied Kurds in that gave some Kurds
Syrian citizenship at denied other
current Syrian citizenship because they
didn't they showed before that before
1948 they had to have some paperwork
inside the country and anything that
anyone that doesn't have paperwork
obviously they came in from Turkey the
problem is there was a lot of Turkish
Kurds coming into Syria as refugees and
Syria always has a policy that they
don't give citizenship to to refugees
refugees can stay in Syria for as long
as they like but doesn't mean they're
entitled to citizenship because
citizenship is only granted by like
bloodlines and so even though we have
had you know refugees that have lived
there for 10 20 years they still don't
get citizenship so but I said actually
made an exception for steak has Kurds
and then he granted them citizenship
because it sucks to be stateless right
problem is that they they themselves
don't identify as Syrian and that is
true of Iraqi Kurds and Turkish Kurds to
some extent if they support these
separatist groups and I do find it's
really hypocritical of these left wing
and tifa's to you know they're there
they hate racism in Europe they hate
ethno States in Europe but suddenly when
it comes to Middle East
suddenly nation-states and you know race
we've got to give these people a country
in a nation it's become something that
they would die for oh yeah yeah I mean
you see it among liberals who support
Jewish nationalism but would be
horrified by nationalism Europe in the
United States etc it is interesting
cognitive dissonance alright there's
another superjet here for $20 from long
donar Mary Smith and I think this will
this can actually get us on to a new
topic so we might give people quit flash
by flowing over into South America but
Mary Smith for 1924 speaking of
hyper-religious lunatics being in power
how concerned are each of you that john
bolton will prevent the u.s. from
completely withdrawing its military from
syria i want to talk about john bolton I
thought he but do you think that do you
think that that is in the cards that the
United States would withdraw from Syria
by John Folse Oh certainly john bolton
and not just him like the rest of the
neocons willed pressure trump to remain
in syria even though i mean he probably
the the pressure that is gonna get the
most from is from the Zionist lobby and
his son-in-law Kushner who's best
friends with Netanyahu and sleeps in his
bed so the u.s. is gonna try to stay in
Syria as long as possible the only thing
that will lead them to withdraw is that
the situation becomes more difficult if
you read I'm sure you guys haven't even
heard about this because it was so
minimal but American soldier was killed
lasts a couple of weeks ago by Turkey
because turkey was bombing the PKK or
the YPG in Syria which the u.s. agrees
is a terrorist organization and happened
to kill an American who was hanging out
with them and her dough can actually
warned the u.s. that this in a phone
call he warned trump that this is gonna
happen that was the point that Trump
decided to withdraw because if the US
and and Turkey start clashing that's the
end of NATO because turkey is the sword
there is no Nathan without Turkey so I
Syria doesn't want to go directly in a
fight with the u.s. rather I think Syria
is biding its time and hoping that
Turkey is the thing that pressures the
u.s. to leave and once the u.s. leaves
Syria will tell the Kurdish groups you
either come back and rely on the nation
states to protect you or are you gonna
get slaughtered by Turkey which is
exactly what happened in Afrin and
that's the game that Syria is hoping to
- winner
so with regarding to Bolton how does the
failed coup and Venezuela fit into this
or does it is it merely a matter of
these neo-cons like Bolton never seeing
a war that they didn't want to fight is
it merely a matter of a similar interest
in the sense of Venezuela having the
largest oil reserves in the world that's
something what many people forget or is
it is it is it also connected to the the
kind of chaos strategy and in the Middle
East as well controlling the energy
resources is always a factor it's a
factor in the Golan Heights in Iraq of
course Venezuela it's not about just
having oil because the US is one of the
biggest oil suppliers in the world it's
about controlling supply and demand
right so there's definitely that and
they talk to down because he
nationalized the oil fields but also
there is the Israel aspect of it because
if you noticed in Brazil the Prime
Minister that they replaced the previous
guy with think the previous guy was
Syrian in fact I'm not exactly sure what
the guy or him yes he's because we have
a big Syrian and Lebanese population in
South America that rose to the top in
business and politics but yeah so both
scenario I think his name is is very
Zionist he went you put on the whole
thing in wield at the wall I think they
want to create the same thing in
Guido has expressed support for Israel
and wanting to do the same thing where
is the current Venezuelan leadership in
Maduro and Chavez was always not they
haven't they still have an alliance with
Israel they haven't withdrawn
identifying it as legit
or not yet but they have had like
they've they voted against them
constantly at the UN antagonistic
relationship with them Venezuela
Syria Iran and North Korea have an
alliance North Korea is against Israel
North Korea doesn't acknowledge the
existence of the State of Israel the
thing is when people say left or right
it's this very silly dichotomy because
if you look at North Korea it's actually
a very hard core hegemonic fascist
Nationalist state and if you look at
what the Maduro is trying to do he's
trying to nationalize resources which is
a nationalist thing which is considered
right-wing not left-wing you know so
it's it's a false dichotomy the the
sanctions on Venezuela is not helping
their economy the reason that why people
are starving cetera is because you know
they they don't want their system to
succeed they do they don't want
nationalizing the resources to succeed
and it's it's because you know they they
see that Venezuela is a threat to Israel
I think there is a factor that that not
many people have played up which is that
Guido would be just another one of these
kosher ethno nationalists and he would
be you know right-wing populist at home
but he would be staunchly pro-israel
abroad and that the Zionists don't don't
quite trust someone like Maduro even if
he's not you know directly attacking
them or anything like that
he's just that that type of person is
someone that they they would not they
don't want to deal with and I think this
is actually a sad thing from the
standpoint of Craig and myself is that
Israel does like dealing with these
right-wing populist types bolson are Oh
Trump you know III think so many of us
who supported Trump kind of tried to
overlook a lot of these things and and
and for good reason to some extent
because Trump was saying things about
you know why don't we work
with Assad why don't we work with Putin
isn't that better than going to war with
them he said so many sensible things
that I I think our our enthusiasm was is
just was justified but but it's it's
also something that we need to confront
which is that Israel might actually like
these right-wing populists
who you know are brash and vulgar and
and and and kind of appeal to that angst
and in a lot of societies but are
basically not only not going to change
the status quo but but but are gonna
intensify the status quo as Trump is
done you know I'll double down on that
you know the it's just a pointing I see
a lot of people I mean you know as as
Richard mentioned were we've been guilty
of it too but I think you know by this
point and it you know it's the writing
on is on the wall it's clear you know
these the system only ever engages this
kind of right-wing populism is sort of a
a cheap Valentine to buy
you know people broadly like us off but
you know I see people you know
continuing to give for example bolson ro
energy because he talks and right-wing
populist terms and that's appealing to
some people but you know where is it
really going it's not you know that that
energy only really ever ends up in
Israel's accounts you know it doesn't it
doesn't it doesn't accrue to us it
doesn't benefit us and you know it may
it may take longer than our lifetimes
but I do think we need to begin some
sort of discourse that is not organized
around some of the you know very sort of
maybe maybe satisfying sort of you know
right wing talking points that we we may
have engaged in the past mm-hmm and just
the Breitbart effect I mean there there
was an interesting thing in 2016 where
Breitbart was getting energized by the
alt-right the alt-right was getting
energized by Breitbart and we were kind
of an alliance and that that broke apart
and over the course of 2017 but you know
it's interesting we probably should have
been more cautious and more
ethical we just got caught up in it all
which is that's human human all too
human tendency but yeah the the fact
that Breitbart was literally founded in
Israel I mean that you you can't get
away from it and we can't pretend that
these things aren't important as well I
think yeah I mean I'll forgive us a
little bit more in the sense that and
then you know we'll all will get away
from me on the mic but I think it was
hard to it was really hard to accept
that things were that broken you know
for example voting the voting button was
that broken and that we were really that
that Justin disenfranchised yeah yes
sure yeah I mean it's it's it's just the
reality and yeah as far as far as
Breitbart I think there's a picture that
was taken at their founding meeting
where you know that not Netanyahu was in
the room with Andrew Breitbart and all
the other people maybe if we get time
you know before the stream ends we can
we can talk a little bit about Ben
Shapiro who who had a rave performance
recently but yeah I'll allow us to move
ahead and maybe some super chats or
something yeah we can jump in on that
that's kind of funny I talked a little
bit about this yesterday on on Jays
program but did Mimi did you see Ben
Shapiro few seconds of it but he did
octa journalist because I tried to get
into a debate with him as though like it
was very funny yeah he's great he is
very childish that that is the best he's
like a prodigy child he's like a he's
like a twelve-year-old who can solve
Rubik's cubes or something
yeah he's not like he like I don't doubt
that he has a high IQ or something I
think in a way Ben Shapiro is like a
expression of why IQ is a really limited
sphere of understanding someone's
intelligence like he he likes these
little rational arguments that he can
get into and he likes btf owing you know
a 20 year old with blue hair at Cal
Berkeley or something about the joys of
capitalism or
something but he would never have a
serious discussion I don't think at all
no they talk if they say that thing was
ben shapiro getting owns but he owns
himself and he reveals how little
interested he is an actual serious
discussion you know the most
disingenuous comment that he made during
the course of that thing was you know
the interviewer remarks well you know
you say you're trying to elevate the
discourse and get away from these you
know from from kind of hate discussion
and rage discussion but you know they're
all these they're all these videos of
you on youtube that are you know
emphasizing how you own this or that
person and shapiro immediately said oh
you know well i can't help what people
label things on youtube
well shapiro definitely coordinates his
activity with young Americans for
freedom who puts up videos like that all
the time they are always marketing their
stuff on the basis of how you know ben
shapiro rhetorically rhetorically beat
the crap out of some kid with braces
yeah and you know explain to him that
you know communism check communism
killed a lot of people or something you
know and so yeah the whole thing was the
whole thing was very very revealing you
know is one thing that i I mentioned on
Jay s program as well is is that the the
lack of seriousness with ben shapiro
about his own commitments you know i
think everyone in this discussion is
willing to talk about our irrational or
pre rational emotional commitments to
things you know like me me me comes from
somewhere she comes from syria she has a
rooted interest in something she's has a
perspective on the world and it's funny
how ben shapiro whenever you bring up
Zionism or or or in this case the the
pro-life the abortion question he's like
well it's just science you know you know
you know liberal you know pure classical
liberalism demands that we become
Zionists or whatever ya know yeah it's
it's science and its principles he was
he was talking about principles a lot
during during that interview yeah anyway
okay for the right you
the left hub gatekeepers like Noam
Chomsky and Nancy Pelosi and was that
guy that's running for president the
older one
I forget his name Oh Bernie said snick
snick in the Sun Sanders
Oh interesting
you know Sanders is a I mean Sanders is
Jewish and he is a Zionist he's he's
also can he's also connected we can talk
about this is interesting cuz because I
of all the candidates out there I have
some sympathies for Tulsi Gabbard who I
assume you you appreciate and and Bernie
Sanders and Andrew yang who's kind of
you know offering these totally new
things and and I don't I don't I I don't
I can't imagine that yang would continue
the foreign policy regime if he if in
the unlikely event he were like well
Never Say Never
but well look I know but you know I I
don't want to give up all hope and buy
down in the cyanide capsule but I yeah
in terms of Sanders he is aligned with
the kind of new wave in the American
left of of aoc of Elan Omar and so on
and I cannot and maybe I'm wrong please
correct me if I'm wrong I can't imagine
that they would be hyper Zionists at any
point I think that even if a OSI doesn't
quite talk about it or focus on this
issue her own instincts are going to be
to sympathize with Palestinians and
question the status quo in ill on Omar's
is obviously doing that explicitly and
maybe Bernie Sanders is this kind of old
line you know the secular socialist Jew
who is pro Zionist it is kind of
connected with them but maybe he can't
control these new powers that that he's
he's trying to manage so anyway correct
anything that I said there that was
wrong but that that's how I view
view that the wave amongst the youth is
more pro-palestinian and they had to
bring out something new to try to
control that wave and Bernie's not gonna
do the trick because he's the others
you're a journalist asked him like what
why do you why do you have a problem
with a one state solution where
Palestinians are treated as equal
citizens and his answer was because that
would be the end of Israel and I support
the existence of the Jewish state so he
does he wants to deny people you know
their humanity because he supports the
Jewish state
that's very out in the open but in my
view in hand Omar is a Zionist because
she supports Lucian yes she but she said
it herself Jews have a right to feel
safe in their own state and so do
Palestinians to me this is ioan ism
because you believe in a Jewish state
the same way that Mohabbatein is the
belief in the Islamic state in Syria
because that's all that Israel is ever
gonna be in in the van't it's gonna be a
racist state that doesn't belong there
sorry to say and the only way it can is
by accepting secularism which would be
the end of the idea of a Jewish state
that is why how I see her no more cheese
the cheese the Democrat Party innocence
and I think for her you know they found
her she's a Black Muslim woman ticks all
the boxes loves America loves
immigration you know she is the
archetype and that thing that she said
about a pack that was like oh what have
we done we chose the wrong with the job
but let's try to fix it so they really
did you know try to fix it by saying no
to anti-semitism and notice llama phobia
which is gonna be the new wave like you
know in the past how Hollywood was
always racist towards Arabs and Muslims
and portrayed there's terrorists
constantly flipped all these wars and
News was allowed to say whatever they
wanted those days are over
they're not gonna be allowed to be
Islamophobic in that way anymore because
the new Alliance is gonna be amongst the
victimized Muslims mais Jews because G
Muslims are becoming the new Jews of the
West like the new victims this is
fascinating so so just just to reiterate
what you just said because I've never
thought of this before you you think
that the this new wave of you know post
American American politicians like Ellen
Omar are going to be Zionist supporters
that there there's that to me Ilhan Omar
represents the Muslim Brotherhood
version plus I've even saying that I
feel like I need to self-censor because
it's a very risky thing to say I've seen
it as a Muslim I mean she's not Muslim
Brotherhood herself and not even though
she wears a headscarf she's not a very
religious person you can tell that she
wears a headscarf and she said herself I
wear the headscarf as a political
statement to be identified as a Muslim
not because you know she's personally
modest that's her intention when I say
Muslim Brotherhood I mean I can see by
her politics that they align perfectly
with Aragon which can be arguing I don't
mean like she's wants Sharia law like
all these right-wingers are saying no
she's she's she wants a democracy the
Muslim Brotherhood is it's actually
democratic ironically but within the
confines of Islamism so unlike al Qaeda
and Isis which have Amir's which can
have monarchs and kings
anyway that's sorry I digress but I just
need to clarify that in the interest of
existing on the Internet because yes
this is a dangerous topic right now
because people will accuse you of
obviously I'm a Muslim I have no fear of
Ilhan she's not gonna blow anything up
or her politics align with Turkey and
that's what she's against Assad and
that's why as turkey does she accepts
the existence of the State of Israel in
a two-state solution
and he's there to save the two-state
solution because before our very eyes
the two-state solution is dying people
are talking about it everywhere the old
guard people like Noam Chomsky and
Bernie Sanders who actually were in
kibbutz as youths with the resign is
used they went to Israel out of these
communist kibbutz you know they're
they're really under the heat now
because people are really questioning
them and their allegiance and maybe this
fresh blood that's slightly more
pro-palestinian can alleviate that steam
valve fascinating perspective I'd never
thought of these things before
well let's let's jump to some more super
shots because these these do bring up
some very interesting questions Lou Duva
how to 250 how would Syrian girl rank
the Middle Eastern peoples in terms of
worth okay obviously there are a great
many so perhaps she can just share her
favorites my honest answer okay I think
that is your honest answer okay I'm
interested in learning more about Syrian
culture through its literature which
Syrian poets classical contemporary
would you recommend at which novelists
you rate most highly I wish that I knew
more about my own culture and history to
be able to answer that better I really
truly but the only thing I can recommend
which I know which every Syrian knows is
a musician and the poetry in her music
which is Pharos if you look up Fairuz
and you know she's she's part of her
brothers are the Rabbani brothers and
she sings a lot of poetry about the
nation she's very patriotic
she's a Lebanese singer but she she
sings about Shyam which is like the
greater Syria and she's the most popular
singer in Syria and Lebanon
maybe most famous one in internationally
as well I really highly recommend her I
apologize that it's you know I don't
have a better answer for you with more
are you interested in Western literature
or philosophy and things like that more
just because you're you're an immigrant
and you're you you have laid down new
roots you know I do I mean my English is
probably better than my Arabic to be
honest with you but I do I am interested
in Nietzsche I am interested in
philosophy I have avoided reading books
because in that sense like I've avoided
reading Karl Marx for example because I
want to come up with my own without
being tainted by somebody else's opinion
so that's my excuse for not for being
lazy right we're all tainted we're all
we're all can deal wares and ideas
that's married yeah okay all right this
is Lou Duva is coming up just this
morning okay he keeps donating
separately I appreciate that what do you
two beautiful people know about the
Madagascar plan and this is the sort of
thing that should we should be getting
behind okay the Madagascar might be
other Madagascar plans them the most
famous one was a policy in Nazi Germany
during the war that was rejected of
moving Jews to Madagascar so it'd be
moving them to this small island there's
actually an interesting there there is a
kind of Jewish state and where is that
is that it and this is a stop in it was
in a Siberia or something it was Stalin
created this so maybe this is kind of
maybe I'll ask this in a different way
Shh should there be a Jewish state or
what what can be done with the Jews like
what where should they be what what is
answer I mean you vet you've actually
kind of changed my mind about the
two-state solution during this broadcast
to be honest but how should we think
about the this question I well okay
first of all I know about Madagascar
plan I know about the transfer solution
or agreement and there was they were
trying to create a state in Australia in
the in Texas I believe in Russia they
were given one there was two movements
around that time it was the Zionist
movement and there was the jewish
nationalist movement the two movements
were actually against each other in the
sense that the Zionist movement didn't
want to go anywhere about Palestine and
in fact that the leaders of Zionist
movement said that one can get one cow
into Palestine that would be better than
all that's worth more than all the Jews
in Europe actual words and they also one
guy was angry because people were giving
aid to Jews in Europe because they
thought that they were not helping
because he wanted Jews to immigrate to
Palestine right the Zionists movement is
different to the jewish nationalist
movement in that it's basis is religious
there is a messianic religious thing
there and it transmits to the
evangelicals as well and maybe that's
why one over nationalist thing i don't
like the idea of a Jewish state in
Madagascar because are there already
people in Madagascar like why would I
wish someone on to someone else what has
happened to ourselves it doesn't that's
not the right thing to do if there's a
piece of empty land you know which some
countries can willingly with everybody
in the country voting for to give up
that piece of land you know and nobody
gets hurt maybe theoretically that would
be okay but the premise of it I have a
problem with because as a Syrian person
and Europe's the story of Europe is
different I can't speak for you guys but
Sirians before Zionism we didn't have a
problem with our Jews we our Jews were
part of Syrian society they were Syrian
they they felt like their history was
there for a very long time
Zionism changed that and changed that
for Iraqi Jews it didn't quite change
that for Iranian Jews though because I
think the Iranian Jews were a little bit
more removed from the situation but like
you know I don't I think that Jews can
be loyal to the country which they live
in this is something that is people
gonna not agree with especially on the
right I think it's it's possible I mean
this happened before
I mean it's happened in Syria it's it's
happened in Finland like they were
Jewish people that joined the Finnish
army and fought alongside the Germans in
World War two I think that there there
is a way and there's a there's a lot of
impedances to that there's a lot of
things in the way especially maybe in
the way that Torah is interpreted
because in order for them to be a chosen
people by God in the first place they
have to be a people to be a people they
can't be the race of the land-living
even though technically they pretty much
are most of them anyway they 23andme can
identify Ashkenazi's which aren't from
the Caucasus actually they found the
cities of Ashkenazi in those areas and
they moved into you know East Europe and
Germany and lived there for thousands of
years so obviously ethnic makeup changed
but they were never really connected to
the Mediterranean
because the judah's Jews from Syria that
don't have Ashkenazi blood and it found
that Jews Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews
there they there exactly they can't tell
them apart from the people that are
around them
and I think that this phase of Zionism
is very similar
maybe worse because there's more history
of it but similar to people who put
Islam before their country like the
Wahabis like a Syrian who joined Isis
for example what is he but is another
version of Israel like a Muslim Zionist
you could say who doesn't care about his
own ethnicity over his own people who
places a religion above that you know I
for me a Syrian Christian I feel I have
more in common with than a Muslim in
Indonesia for example because we live
like we're finally we have blood ties we
have this shared future
but sometimes religion when it gets in
the way of that and it's not just for
the Jews it's it's for other religions
too for the Jews it's more difficult
because of the whole chosen thing to get
but right I hope at least that it will
be possible
yeah we'll see even even to the idea
that they count yeah even among liberal
Jews that that meme seems to be embedded
of needing to heal the world and so on
and having a special place and this
answer and and and certainly the the
kind of obsession with anti-semitism as
a binding agent is present okay Lou Duva
is basically going out of control at
this point but we'll read it okay this
is directed at you I hope as a woman
gifted with sumptuous full lips how do
you feel about the increasing tendency
for her evolutionary inferiors mere thin
lipped thoughts to falsely advertise
their genetic fitness via lip fillers
and other surgical treatments alright
this is the end of the show
I'm really annoyed by it because yeah as
a result I just happen to have been born
in this era means that everybody is
constantly accusing me of enhancing my
lips which is really annoying because
first of all it's not true but second of
all like it kind of undermines use in as
a serious person in a way it does that's
how it is and so it annoys me that I
live in this era just so happens I was
born this way and I get hit with that it
has a positive because now it's popular
to look like this but at the same time
you're constantly accused of being fake
sometimes people on the street walk up
to walk I've walked up to me and asked
me if it is annoying but at the same
time I feel that like thin lips can be
beautiful and it's a shame that sure
people are not realizing that and going
for something that looks completely ugly
in many ways so I have a selfish reason
to dislike it but also an aesthetic
reason this is like it I am I I don't
know it does kind of worried me a lot of
these you know branded East celebs who
work have a lot of plastic surgery like
Tommy Lauren Laura Loomer faith Goldie
they they just like it's I'm not
accusing them of anything it's just
facts yeah yeah their pictures out there
I understand kind of I don't know it
just kind of bothers me a little bit as
just you you need to be who you are
well this is actually where we're gonna
have to go to stay on these platforms
because this is basically this is
basically what a lot of the content
around things like YouTube is organized
lip filling channels makeup tutorials oh
my god I'm leaving hard I'm working hard
on the mpi rebrands the most horrifying
thing have you seen these Instagram they
are like makeup tutorials gone into
totally hellish directions where I want
you yeah and you'll have women that will
look like like almost this is it's a
kind of Asian thing my girlfriend always
shows these to me and I get horrified
but there'll be women that will look
like geishas like this like enlarged
eyes and nose and things like that and
then they'll take off their makeup and
they're just monstrous it it's like
makeup technology and YouTube has
advanced to this point we're just
average people our dissembling and you
can't you don't know who they are and
the ability for you know people to be
tricked it really does bother me I don't
know you should regulate this it's fun
to create I'm not against creating art
in a sense like for a firm for fun for
it's just something a curiosity but when
people begin to live it and in at times
it's not aesthetic it's grotesque and in
some ways damaging then I have a problem
with it I think if someone has a
disfigurement or you know they're really
upset about maybe Jing and they they
they want to do something about it I
don't really see a problem with that
but when when people are making
themselves the word like you know
plastic Sur nobody has a problem with
good plastic surgery it's only the bad
plastic when it's a little yeah that's
okay right why would I choose this face
I would choose a different face no but
um yeah someone said I she must have
done her nose why would I choose this no
I would choose a different nose but I
think but I do think that in the future
let's say I get into a car accident
am I gonna will i shun plastic surgery
no if I become really aged
who knows how I would feel about that so
I'm not gonna like judge people that
harshly but I do think that
should step back and be because it's
very it's very easy to go overboard and
it's very easy to - especially when you
engage in it when you're young and all
of your validation comes from doing this
and putting content out based around it
so how do you get how do you get more
clicks how do you get more donations you
do a you know a better you know a Wilder
immuno makeup video than you did before
you you get a bigger at lip injection
yeah people getting old yeah I I agree I
think the age it's it's not just about
keeping up appearances or something like
that it's about fundamentally changing
you in your 20s or something like that
it is okay we are almost done let me
just quickly we people did donate so I
want to get at him okay real quick okay
Lou Duva okay Lou Duva is donate on dick
any future ethno state that would permit
entry to the Irish while denying it -
girls - this girl is not an ethnos state
of which I would want to be a part come
at me bro
okay I think he's joking but yes I I
would look partisan girl you you
combined elegance beauty and
intelligence like perhaps no one else so
it is a real pleasure to have you on I
mean that sincerely and I appreciate the
discussion so yeah I would say this
rarely do I go into a panel where I kind
of rethink things in my own head doo
dodoo to what the other person has said
usually I'm just not listening and
talking at people and narcissistic
narcissistically indulging in my own
greatness but in this one case I've
actually rethought some of them some of
the way a lot of things actually about
about these questions I look forward to
your conclusions at the end of those
thoughts like if you you know let me
know decide because I don't always
accept that my point of view is correct
so just ting ting get your your feedback
or not right
all right well why don't we do this we
we have there there are like two little
orphans super chats we'll just handle
those next week because we definitely
want to read everyone's but I think now
we usually try to keep these to two
hours so we don't go out of control and
I think this discussion was so great
that I think it's a it's good just to
put a bookmark in it and have our
audience wanting more so thank you
me me partisan girl for being on we'd
love to have you back and you really
made this a unique show so we we
appreciate it and thank you to Kaiser
our our producer and as always thank you
Craig my friend and colleague so I do
you want to take us out Craig sure you
know I think actually we should consider
doing something like this again in the
future with Syrian girl because you're
right there were some things that we got
a genuinely fresh perspective on that I
think that we could kind of take even
further so thanks everyone and thanks
Mimi and we'll see you guys back here
next week yeah bye bye bye bye

The McSpencer Group #9: Syrian Girl
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